Kemper Baptist Church Holds God and Country Rally

The Kemper Baptist Church held the God And Country Rally on Sunday, July 7.
Pastor Haywood Proctor welcomed everyone and had prayer.
This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Salute to the Armed Forces recognized all of the military present in the morning worship service.
The Wilmington Celebration Choir blessed those in attendance with many songs including “We Believe”, “Fall Down On Your Knees”, “I Go To The Rock”, “Love Lifted Me”, and others.
Pastor Haywood Proctor recognized some who are serving in political offices in Dillon County such as Dillon County Councilman serving District 2 Dennis Townsend and his wife, Dillon County Sheriff Jamie Hamilton, and Dillon County Economic Development Director Rodney Berry who is also a candidate for Senate Seat 30.
Additional Republican Congressman Russell Frye was recognized and allowed to speak.
Congressman Frye thanked the church for the invitation. He acknowledged that it was great “to be put into the spirit immediately upon arriving at the church”. Congressman Frye stated that there were lots of problems in American but people with faith will make a better American. He remarked that 248 years ago in 1776, the leaders signed the Declaration of Independence. He asked “Why is America exceptional?”. Always there was God and people. When we declared independence, we declared that we did not need a king to speak for us to God. The Godly people were rooted in Faith. That’s why America is so great!
As an Eagle Scout within the Boy Scouts organization at that time, the Boy Scouts motto was “leave your campsite better than you find it’.
This country happened from God’s leadership. Where America heads will be determined by the Godly. In 2 Timothy 4:7-8, it states “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. We are called to stand up for our country.
America has economical and spiritual problems. We will live to fight another day. Will our generation do better or worse? We will do better! Americ has done better by each generation. We are up to the challenge. “Let’s do better,” exclaimed Congressman Frye.
Pastor Haywood Proctor asked that Kemper Baptist Church take up a “Love Offering” for The Wilmington Celebration Choir. Pastor Proctor led in the Offeratory Prayer.
The Wilmington Celebration Choir sang “Love Lifted Me”. The Wilmington Celebration Choir Trio backed by the entire Choir sang “Willing Heart” followed by the Choir who sang “The First Time In A Place Called Forever”.
Pastor Haywood Proctor’s message was “God gave us a choice in forever”. There are 2 kings of people in forever and will go to a great place, Heaven, or a place of fire and gnashing of teeth, Hell. Broad is the way to Hell; narrow is the way to Heaven. Heaven or Hell, where will you spend eternity? Pastor Proctor had an altar prayer followed by an altar song sung by the Wilmington Celebration Choir.
Everyone was invited to join a “July 4th meal” in the new Fellowship Building that was beautifully decorated. Much time and effort was spent by several to make this happen
Afterwards there was a water slide and another water feature. Of course, there were other activities such as a swing set and a “gym”.
At 2:00 p.m. the annual church softball game was held.
Kemper Baptist Church is located at 731 Kemper Baptist Church, Lake View, S.C.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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