Mother-Son Dance

Mother-Son Dance, February 21, 6:30-9:00 p.m., City of Dillon Wellness Center, 1647 Commerce Drive, Dillon. Admission charged. (adv.)

Free Kiwanis Club Baseball Camp

Free Kiwanis Club Baseball Camp, Saturday, February 22, 10 a.m.-12 noon, Ages 4-12, Ages 4-12 years old at Kiwanis Field. Guest instruction from Dillon High School players and staff.

15th Annual Swamp Fox Chili Cookoff

15th Annual Swamp Fox Chili Cookoff, February 22, 10 a.m. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Farmers Market in Main Street Commons 10:30 a.m.: Beer Wagon and Food Trucks open 11:00 a.m.-4 p.m.:...

Hamer & Oakland Community Outreach

Faithful Few Apostolic and Councilwoman Detrice Dawkins will hold a Hamer & Oakland Community Outreach, 75 plus bags of household items will be delivered by the team to random houses...

Bethel AME Black History Month Observance

Bethel AME Black History Month Observance, wear your African, Green, Yellow, or Black attire as they celebrate Black History Month and their widows and widowers, Sunday, February 23, 10:30 a.m.

Magnolia AME Black History Celebration

Magnolia AME Black History Celebration, February 23, 3:00 p.m., Speaker: Elder Shandi Manning, Faith Lighthouse Apostolic Church, Theme: A Heritage Of Unshakable Faith." Pastor, Rev. Robert Taylor.

Friendship Baptist Church Black History Program

Friendship Baptist Church Black HIstory Program, February 23rd, 4 p.m., Guest preacher: Apostle Sandra Evans, Temple of Deliverance Church of Dillon. The church is located at 400 Beaufort Street, Dillon....

Pastoral Installation

Pastoral Installation for Pastor-Elect Rangel Moore, February 23, 4 p.m., Homlist: Pastor Dean Page, Founder: Bishop H. Dunson. Faithful Few Apostolic Church, 3008 Faithful Road, Hamer.

Bad Boys Of The Bible Presentation

Miracle Temple Holiness Church presents Union Fellowship Service, Theme: Bad Boys of the Bible, Featuring Elder Tony Dunkin, Evg. Keyatta Adams, Min. David Gibbons, Evg. Joyce Richardson, and Bro. Gregory...