Woodmen Life Chapter 120 To Help VFW Post 6091 With Common Bond Project

The Woodmen Life Chapter 120 decided to help the VFW as their Common Bond Project for the second quarter. Joey Williams of VFW Post 6091 was at the meeting to talk about the VFW and their needs. Williams said they are restoring the VFW building, which needs a great deal of work. The building was constructed in the 1950s and there have been no major upgrades since then. They are accepting donations to help upgrade the building and support their programs.
They are also working on projects to provide more help to veterans including assembling bags with toiletry items, etc. for homeless veterans. They have four members, who were certified as Pathfinders, to help link veterans to the services they need. They also are finding out more about a new state program, which deals with suicide. Williams said they want to be a help to all veterans regardless of where they served.
Vice-President David Longacre made a motion that the $500 of Common Bond Project money for this quarter go to the VFW to be used for repairs and that members who are able volunteer their time to help. This was seconded by President Paige Smith and passed.
Longacre briefly discussed some of the other activities that they have been involved in. Donations were made to Annie Smith’s Food Share program and a donation was made to Harvest Hope as part of the Quarter One Common Bond Project. They have also done projects with the Jackson Winkeler Foundation; the AARP Chapter, where they discussed insurance concerns with senior citizens; the young adults and new parents at Whittaker, where they discussed financial literacy; the Girls With Knowledge Mentoring Group, where they took the young ladies to a business luncheon at Abingdon Manor, and more.
The Chapter’s next meeting is June 27th. Meetings of the group are quarterly.

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