Town Of Latta Plans For Storm Announced

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Update on the Town of Latta
From Jarett Taylor

The Town council met at 4 p.m. today (Aug. 5) for a briefing of what has been done so far by Town employees to prepare for the upcoming bad weather.
*Inventory of all equipment has been checked.
*Free sand and sandbags will be available at town hall starting tomorrow. Proof of residence will be asked for and only 10 bags per household.
*Work has been done on several ditches and more will follow in the coming days.
*Lights and generators will be staged throughout town in case power issues arise.
*Messages will be posted on the town marquee to keep citizens informed. A backup plan is also being worked on if we lose power.
*Traffic patterns throughout town will be as follows:
At the intersection of Academy and 301, Academy Street traffic will yield to 301 traffic.
At the intersection of Main Street and 301, traffic will yield on Main Street.
At Main Street and Marion Street, Marion Street will yield to Main Street traffic.
*In the event of wide spread outages or flooding, Chief Bryant will make the call for curfew if needed. Notifications will be made to the public for everyone’s safety.
*Town hall will be used for the Center of Operations for the next few days. Town employees may be working extended hours to ensure things get done. Please be patient with any noise created by heavy machinery.
*Lastly, crews of rescue workers will be out throughout the storms. Please use caution when deciding to drive around town. Be considerate of these workers and don’t drive through standing or running water. In the event of town flooding, enough people will need help without you becoming one of those people by making a poor choice. If you know your property floods, please make arrangements to seek safe housing and notify town hall so your property can be put on a list to save precious time. If the power DOES go out, DO NOT attempt to touch downed power lines. A household generator CAN leak back into the line and shock you.