The Cooks Share Trip Photos With The Floyd Dale Senior In-Crowd

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Bert and Simona Cook shared their trip photos with the Floyd Dale Senior In-Crowd. The traveled to Washington, DC, London, and Romania, Simona’s home county, with their sons, Silvan and Simon Peter. In Washington, SC, their visited sites such as the Washington monument, the World War II monument, the Lincoln Memorial, Ford’s Theatre, a couple of museums, and more. Bert said that the historic sites and museums are free to visit, but one has to get tickets ahead of time. They flew from Baltimore to Iceland, but Iceland was just a pass through. They flewe from Iceland to London. In London, they visited sites such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, and many other sites. They then showed pictures of their journey in Romania. Simona said Romania has been a Christian culture from birth. It was a very interesting presentation, and those in attendance enjoyed hearing about the rich history than they encountered on their journey.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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