The Benedict College Board of Trustees Announce Seven-Year Contract Extension for its Transformative Leader, Dr. Roslyn C. Artis

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COLUMBIA, August 19, 2024, The Benedict College Board of Trustees announced today a seven-year contract extension through June of 2031, for the college’s 14th and first female President and CEO, Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis.
Since her arrival in 2017, Artis has propelled Benedict College forward. She has repositioned Benedict College for unprecedented growth and long-term success amid a highly competitive higher education landscape. Under her executive leadership, Benedict College successfully completed The B.E.S.T. five-year strategic plan in a record three years and is now making substantial progress toward each of the goals in the current strategic plan B2 Focus on the Future 2023-2028, which is focused on the success of our students.
“We are exceptionally proud and fortunate to have such a strong leader guiding the College to higher heights and through the numerous challenges facing higher education institutions today,” said Charlie W. Johnson, Chairman of the Benedict College Board of Trustees. “President Artis is keenly aware of the current issues students face, and she has demonstrated a deep commitment to providing students with formative learning experiences that prepare them to lead and succeed professionally and personally.”
Artis is a nationally recognized leader, who through her notable record of achievements, collaborative administration, and vision, fostered a campus community environment that
engenders excellence. She inspires and compels the entire Benedict College community to display and amplify #TheBESTofBC!
During her tenure, extraordinary momentum continues to build for Benedict College as indicated in the transformative examples below:
· In July 2024, Benedict College was awarded the Institutional Excellence Award for achieving next level performance by The United Negro College Fund during the annual UNITE conference.
· Benedict College received its 10-year reaffirmation of accreditation from SACS-COC with no recommendations, marking the first time this has occurred in more than a generation at the College.
· The College stabilized its once critical financial condition, reducing debt by nearly $56M.
· Since 2018 Benedict’s graduation rate has increased by 233%, and the 4-year graduation rate is 5.4% above the national average and 11.4% above the state of South Carolina average.
· More than $25M has been invested in campus facilities, addressing generations of deferred maintenance and nearly $15 million has been invested in technology infrastructure and computer labs across the campus.
· Benedict’s Environmental Engineering Program earned ABET accreditation, distinguishing it as one of only two HBCUs in the nation and the only HBCU in South Carolina with an accredited program.
· Academic programs have been reimagined and aligned to prepare students for high-demand fields such as Cybersecurity, Computer Science, Environmental Engineering, E-sports, Entrepreneurship, and Business Administration.
“The Board continues to applaud and unequivocally support the leadership of President Artis and her extraordinary team. We are committed and excited to partner with her as she leads Benedict College into its next era of excellence,” added Chairman Johnson.