Tabernacle Of God Mobile Food Bank Of Dillon Deploys To Asheville With Supplies, Serves 259 Hot Dogs

By Rev. Larry Williams
The Lord allowed the Tabernacle of God Mobile Food Bank of Dillon, South Carolina, to deploy to Asheville, North Carolina. Hurricane Helene had destroyed that city. We were told by a traveler on our way that we couldn’t get in unless we were in a helicopter. God proved them wrong because prayer changes things! Our hearts and minds were set to reach those people who needed our help.
There were over 259 hot dogs served off the grill by Pastor Larry Williams and family and warehouse workers. The people were so thankful and grateful that we came. One man said he hadn’t had anything to eat in two days. I always said you never look down on a man unless you are picking him up, because it may not be you today, but it could be you tomorrow.
We are planning to go back with a 53 ft. trailer this week because they really need our help. If there are any companies are organization out there that can donate products or make a monetary donation, it would be greatly appreciated.

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