Sheriff and Chief Deputy Teach Self-Defense to Pyerian Baptist Church Women

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Sheriff Jamie Hamilton and Chief Deputy Wayne Green came to Pyerian Baptist Church on Wednesday, August, 21st and taught a self-defense awareness class to the women of the church.
Over 30 women of all ages attended. The Sheriff stress awareness of your surroundings and being able to use modern technology like phone apps to make sure others know your location. Chief Green is a certified karate instructor. He showed a few basic moves to separate yourself from a would-be attacker. This included using a car key as a self-defense weapon.
The main emphasis was on being aware of your surroundings, trying not to shop alone, and letting go of your pocketbook. It is not worth risking injury or your life.
The Sheriff’s Office is here to serve Dillon County.
If you would like to host a similar meeting, contact Chief Green at 843-774-1435.