Rev. Matthew Scott Ordained As Full Elder in Global Methodist Church

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Rev. Matthew Scott from Latta Methodist Church and Mount Andrew Methodist Church was ordained a full elder in the Global Methodist Church on Friday, August 9th.
He wrote the following about his journey:
I grew up in Ebensburg, PA attending Ebensburg United Methodist Church. In the fall of 2012, I became a member of the praise team, when we began a brand new service in the church. In 2014, I began discerning a call to ministry when I could not pass the Praxis to further my education as a music teacher. I graduated from Slippery Rock University in December 2015 with a B.A. in Music and began further exploring my call in the church. During that time, I also took on a paid position as the worship leader at Ebensburg UMC. I completed my course of study in the spring of 2017, which gave me the license to pastor a local church. Later in 2017, I accepted a 3/4 time appointment, leading the worship team on Saturday nights, and preaching at two smaller churches on Sunday mornings.
I felt that God was calling me into full-time ministry as a deacon, whose calling in the Methodist tradition is to bridge the gap between the church and the world. I felt God was leading me to do that through music and missions. In August, 2017, I began work toward my Master of Divinity at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, while continuing to lead worship and preach. In April of 2020, I discerned that God was calling me to move to Gibsonia, PA, on the North side of Pittsburgh to continue exploring my calling as a deacon. We made the move in September of 2020. In this position, I worked at one church as the worship pastor, leading the praise team and helping with the church’s mission teams. I graduated seminary in May of 2021.
The following spring, I felt God calling me to another move, this time to South Carolina. The options were Latta or Conway. Ultimately, my wife, Alyssa, and I prayed and decided we wanted to move back to a small town, so we decided that we would move to Latta. Since our move to Latta, while serving both Latta and Mt. Andrew, we have felt right at home and right where we belong. Through Latta’s and Mount Andrew’s time of discernment, Alyssa and I prayed and discerned ourselves that we wanted to be part of the Global Methodist Church (GMC). We were praying that we didn’t have to make yet another move. Through our time of prayer, both churches decided to join the Global Methodist Church. Earlier this year, my application into the GMC was accepted. The board of ministry accepted the work I put in in the UMC and recommended me for ordination at their Behold annual conference, which was held August 8-9, 2024 in Lexington, SC. I was ordained on August 9, 2024 as a deacon then as an elder to serve in ministry in the Global Methodist Church. For me, it came full circle to be ordained as a deacon then as an elder.
I feel pretty certain that if we had not made the move to Gibsonia, we never would have made the move to Latta. God invites us to be faithful and follow where He leads us. It takes tremendous steps of faith to go where God is calling you. Through my time in ministry, God has been guiding me along a path. I continue to learn in every place of service. I continue to grow as God changes directions along the way. If you were to tell me I would be where I am today, when I first started praying about how God might be wanting to use me 10 years ago, when I couldn’t pass a simple, basic assessment, I would tell you that you’re crazy. God doesn’t call the qualified. God qualifies the called. As Christians, we are all called to ministry. We are not all called to full-time pastoral ministry, but we are all called to build the Kingdom of God here on earth. That calling looks different for every single one of us. Continue to pray and open yourself up to how God might be calling you. Perhaps you will be surprised at the places or ministries that God leads you to. I am humbled and grateful for all the people and churches who have prayed for me to get to this point.