Rep. Jackie Hayes Presents Betsy Finklea With Certificate Honoring 32 Years of Journalistic Integrity

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Representative Jackie Hayes presented Betsy Finklea, editor of The Dillon County News, with this certificate today, August 20, 2024, honoring her 32 years of journalistic integrity.
It reads as follows:
State of South Carolina
House of Representatives
On Motion of
Representative Jackie E. Hayes
Members of the House of Representatives
Betsy Finklea
Congratulating Betsy Finklea on her recognition for thirty-two years of journalistic integrity by the Dillon Business and Professional Women’s Club. During her outstanding career, she continues to be held in the highest regard with her readers knowing that her facts are correct and her words chosen with respect and clarity. From intern to editor, she became The Dillon Herald’s best advocate portraying true compassion and professionalism. We know her current role at The Dillon County News will continue to serve the residents well in everything she does. South Carolina is proud to recognize Betsy Finklea and wish her the best.
Given on this 15th day of April, 2024, State House, Columbia, South Carolina
Signed by The Clerk of the House of Representatives Charles F. Reid and Speaker of the House G. Murrell Smith, Jr.