By Betsy Finklea
A recognition and memorial for the late Sheriff Douglas Pernell was held at the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association summer awards banquet on July 17th.
Marion County Sheriff Brian Wallace, President of the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association, made the presentation.
“Did you ever receive one of those calls that you remember? You remember exactly where you were, exactly what you were doing, at the exact time you heard the news,” Wallace asked.
It was August 7, 2023. Wallace was moving hay out the hay field because he saw there was a storm approaching. He was trying to get it under a shelter. He could see in the skyline towards Dillon County; the rain clouds were moving away. As he was moving bale after bale after bale, he received a call from the county administrator. The county administrator told him that Sheriff Pernell had passed away at his home that afternoon.
“It was like I was in shock. I had just talked to him earlier in the week,” said Wallace. Wallace recalled that he and Pernell had just been together two weeks before at the Sheriff’s Association meeting with Pernell’s wife, Cynthia and grandson, DJ. “It was unbelievable to hear the tragic news,” Wallace said.
Wallace said that Sheriff Pernell in the time he knew him “always wanted to help people, lend an ear, and help those from all walks of life.” He also recalled that Pernell never gave up. Sheriff Pernell’s dream was to be Sheriff of Dillon County and that dream came true–a job well done for he and his family.

After Wallace’s remarks, Pernell’s wife, Cynthia, was presented a bouquet of flowers. She, her sons, Kobe and Bryan, and grandson, DJ, along with Sheriff Jamie Hamilton, and wife, Anna Michelle, were all in attendance for the memorial.
Sheriff Pernell held the honor of being named the first South Carolina Sheriff’s Association Deputy of the Year. He was honored for his work in running a five-month sting operation in 1989 that broke up a Jamaican drug ring in Dillon County and led to the arrest and prosecution of its members. It was lauded by many law enforcement officers as some of the finest police work that they had ever seen.
Cynthia Pernell was touched by the recognition. She said, “It was a beautiful evening of laughter and honoring those who contribute and provide service to our communities unselfishly. Sheriff Brian Wallace’s tribute to Douglas was a thoughtful reminder that with prayer and faith…dreams do come true. His time was short; yet impactful. Douglas’s commitment to serve our community was evident every day that he was in office. I’m proud that he listened to his heart and followed his dream! As we embark upon the anniversary of Sheriff Douglas ‘Humbunny’ Pernell’s death, let’s reflect on his service and love for our wonderful county…and ask ourselves, what can I do to make our county and community better? For me, it’s ensuring safety is a priority for our community and the concerns of the community are heard.”
Sheriff Wallace said, “As president of the South Carolina Sheriffs Association, I was honored to recognize the late Dillon County Sheriff Douglas ‘Humbunny’ Pernell at the 2024 Summer Awards Banquet. We were blessed to have the Pernell family join us for the recognition. Sheriff Pernell is truly missed.”
Pictured at top are Sheriff Jamie Hamilton, Kobe Pernell, Cynthia Pernell, DJ Pernell, Bryan Pernell, and Anna Michelle Hamilton. (Contributed Photo)
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