Ostomies Are Lifesavers

Dear Editor,

Ostomies are lifesavers and many of our Dillon and surrounding counties are living proof. There are approximately 725,000 to 1-Million people in the United States living with an ostomy or continent diversion as estimated by the nonprofit United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA).

An ostomy is a surgically created pathway through the abdomen to reroute bodily waste into an external pouch.

Because of ostomy surgery many people have been able to live a better quality of life and achieve many milestones that might not have been possible.

Please join me in celebrating Ostomy Awareness Day on Saturday, October 5, 2024 and let our community know that “Ostomies are Life-Savers.” Sadly, stigmas and misinformation can cause some patients to delay or refuse ostomy surgery.

If you know someone who has or may have an ostomy let them know that peer support from UOAA and McLeod Dillon Ostomy support group that meets the 1st Tuesday of each month in the Private Dining Room at 3PM and trusted educational resources are available at www.ostomy.org. You’ll also find information on the Run for Resilience Ostomy 5k and stories about others who are living proof of life after ostomy surgery.

Joan Jackson-Meekins, RN, BSN, CWOCN
McLeod Health Dillon