Mount Calvary Baptist Church Holds Sanctuary Renovation Dedication Service

Mount Calvary Baptist Church Held the Sanctuary Renovation Dedication Service on Sunday, August 11, at 10:30 a.m. in the Mount Calvary Family Life Center where the youth and children began the service.
Pastor Harold Cooke had the opening prayer and welcomed everyone to the service.
Pastor Cooke announced that Eric Miller and Andrew Campbell were 2 new deacons prior to reporting to everyone how smoothly the renovation has gone. “Although we changed locations, we still worshipped the Lord”, stated Pastor Cooke.
After the offering and 2 songs by the congregation, Wayne Miller led in prayer.
Pastor Harold Cooke remarked “We dedicated God’s House back to Him.” We began this 12-week renovation recently. However, it took a little longer. In II Chronicles, Chapter 5, it took 7 years for Solomon to build the Temple to God. During this time, worship continued as we also continued our worship. When it came time to move into the Temple, the fixings were inside and ready. In Solomon’s case, the Ark of God was moved from a temporary tent to the Temple. The Ark was brought into the Temple.
“We are now able to call on God any time,” said Pastor Cooke. “We should all stand up for the Lord. Singing, praying, and worshipping God. God is good,” remarked Pastor Cooke.
Our cross is our symbol for the Ark.
The cross represents God’s love, forgiveness, over-coming sin…the cross represents “forever life”. The cross will travel from our temporary location in the Family Life Center to its permanent location in the renovated sanctuary. The presence of God is with us now and will be with us in the renovated sanctuary. “We are just moving from a temporary location to a permanent location,” stated Pastor Cooke.
Eric Miller led in prayer prior to moving the cross from the Family Life Center to the renovated sanctuary.
As everyone gathered in front of the renovated sanctuary, Pastor Cooke read from II Chronicles, Chapter 6, verse 12 and continued. There was a prayer of dedication prior to anointing both sets of doors to the sanctuary with oil,
During the ceremonial opening, Pastor Cooke stated that several families including Kenneth Pittman, Sr. and Mrs. Jean Pittman, Robert and Nancy Tanner, Leslie, Bea, and Linda Mckenze had given so much throughout the years for Mount Calvary Baptist Church.
The doors swung open, and the cross was returned to its original place in the sanctuary.
Pastor Cooke recited II Chronicles 7:2 When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple.
The congregation sang “Sanctuary” followed by the Mount Calvary Quintet’s “He Touched Me”.
Pastor Cooke stated that we should win lost souls and renew our commitment of teaching others about God.
As with Solomon who had a closing ceremony on the eighth day, Mount Calvary Baptist Church also had a closing. As with Solomon, when they left, they were glad and joyful and had been in the presence of God. People returned to their homes.
The leader of the church has to be receptive to God and follow His will.
If people repent of their sins, God will forgive.
II Chronicles 7:14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
Since the beginning of Mount Calvary Baptist Church on September 17, 1887, we have been committed to winning lost souls. We cannot serve God and the world at the same time. We must serve God alone.
An invitation was offered. The Benediction followed with prayer.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church is located at 405 Mount Calvary Road, Dillon, S.C.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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