Mount Calvary Baptist Church Holds Easter Services

Mount Calvary Baptist Church held Easter Sunrise Service on Sunday, March 31, at 7:00 a.m.
After prayer, the congregation led by Choir Director Gene Tanner” sang “He Lives” and “Glory to His Name”. Gene Tanner also sang a solo, “If You Knew Him”.
Pastor Harold Cooke spoke from John 20: 1-8. The topic of the sermon was “Season of Hope”. Hope comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. Our nation is standing in the need of hope.
Easter, the Resurrection…Jesus has risen. Have you told someone about Jesus lately?
After the Sunrise Service concluded, everyone was invited to a breakfast at the Family Life Center. Thanks to all who came earlier and began preparing the meal, everyone enjoyed the delicious meal and the fellowship.
After breakfast, some of the Sunday classes returned to the main building while others stayed and participated in a group class led by Joe Price. Mr. Price spoke about “The Resurrection of Jesus” from Luke 24, 1-8 and 38-43.
The morning worship service began at 10:00 a.m.
After prayer and the offering, Choir Director Gene Tanner led the congregation while accompanied by Dustin Mew on the guitar in “Waymaker” and “Trust In God”. The youth of the church sang “Blessed Assurance”.
Pastor Harold Cooke spoke from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. His sermon was “The Hope of the Resurrection”.
At the end of his sermon, an invitation was given. The Benediction followed.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church is located at 405 Mount Calvary Road, Dillon, S.C.

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