McLeod Hosts Sex Trafficking Seminar

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By Jaime Hayes
McLeod Health Dillon hosted over 60 employees and community law enforcement partners at a Sex Trafficking seminar on July 25. Presented by Denine Mitchell, Sexual Violence Program Director for Pee Dee Coalition, the seminar provided attendees information to help identify instances of sex trafficking, identify indicators that someone may be being trafficked, and provide trauma-informed care to victims of sex trafficking.

Sex Trafficking is a growing criminal industry based upon a demand for commercial sex and a population of vulnerable children and adults. Commercial sex acts are induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which the person performing the act is under age 18. According to the International Labor Organization, Sex Trafficking is an estimated $172 billion dollar industry.

Victims can come from any socioeconomic background, and trafficking can happen anywhere – from large cities to rural areas, including the Pee Dee area. Dillon’s location to Interstate 95 and proximity to the coast make it accessible and susceptible to possible trafficking activity. Social media and the internet have amplified the platforms that facilitate trafficking and exploitation even more. The seminar was intended to prepare those most likely to encounter trafficking victims to properly identify and treat them.

Pee Dee Coalition has a 24 hour Crisis Line. If you or someone you know needs help, reach out them at 800-273-1820. Their organization has partnerships with agencies across the state to help trafficking victims.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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