May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson wants consumers to understand the importance of having their hearing tested this May during Better Hearing and Speech Month.
“As a long-time member of the National Guard and a combat veteran, I know how important it is to protect our hearing,” Attorney General Wilson said. “I urge everyone to have their hearing tested this month or as soon as possible.”
Did you know? Research proves that hearing loss impacts much more than just hearing.
If you have hearing loss, you are not alone. Globally, 1.5 billion people live with hearing loss – or 20% of the population.
Cognitive decline – untreated hearing loss increases the risk of dementia by 50%.
Balance and falls – untreated hearing loss can increase the risk of falls by 30%.
Social isolation and loneliness – the chance of becoming severely lonely increases by nearly 10% with every decibel decrease in hearing ability.
For people with hearing loss, using a hearing aid is associated with a reduced risk of three common health problems of aging – dementia, depression, and falls. In fact, regular use of hearing aids is associated with a 24% lower risk for early death.
Attorney General Wilson offers these tips for consumers who may be experiencing hearing loss:
Be evaluated by a medical professional, audiologist, or hearing instrument specialist to determine if you have a hearing loss and if hearing aids are right for you.
Do your research to ensure you are getting a hearing aid from a trustworthy source.
Understand the level of service offered with the purchase of a hearing aid.
If you have a hearing loss, a personal sound amplification device or over-the-counter hearing aid is likely not a good option. Those products are less expensive but can further impair hearing if not used correctly.
Finally, if a deal seems too good to be true, be cautious and be sure to read the terms of the sale.