LETTER TO THE EDITOR: DCP3 2024 Ambassador Program

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DCP3 2024 Ambassador Program
June 28, 2024

To The Editor;
“High Five!”, “A tip of the hat” to Rodney Berry, his Dillon County Economic Development team and the community stakeholders who were assembled to support the DCP3 2024 Ambassador Program. As an invited attendee, I was not aware of what things would be shared or asked of the participants during this three-month program.
By bringing together local businesses, state and local agencies, municipal governments, educational and school officials and residents of Dillon County, the “ambassador program,” gave all persons attending a much deeper look into what community economic development and growth really look like. It is more than just bringing industry and creating jobs for citizens of Dillon County. It is about bringing the “right” kinds of industries and the 21st century jobs that will raise incomes and provide a much better quality of life for our residents and for the region.
Economic development is more than just workforce development for younger adults (18 +) who are about to enter working careers. It is about training and mentoring younger students (Pre-K thru 12) so that they have an excellent understanding of the fundamentals (the 3 R’s – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic). With a solid foundation in these areas, we in Dillon County become more competitive when it comes to attracting higher paying, high tech companies to come to Dillon County. We would then have the kind of talented workers that they are looking to hire. The net result is better paying jobs, more local growth in the economy, more homes for residents who want to stay here, more rental housing, more shopping, more entertainment and culture for those that want to move here. Our quality of life improves. Our population stabilizes and begins to grow. We reverse the decades long population losses. We widen the tax base to allow increased revenue to pay for local services to residents.
These past three months with the DCP3 Ambassador Program were informative, enlightening and have highlighted for me the interconnection of all of the members of our community (public and private). The experience has confirmed for me the potential within this county. I am hopeful that other participants saw and experienced some of what I experienced. Now, let us consider getting out of our own way and working cooperatively together to make our “potential” our “reality”. I have been and will continue to do my part. I invite and challenge you to do the same.
Again, thanks to Rodney Berry, his team and the other stakeholders for the excellent DCP3 2024 Ambassador Program.

Herbert A. Jacobs,
Dillon County Resident
Email: Herbert.Jacobs@mail.com