Latta High School FFA Awards Presented

The Latta High School FFA (Future Farmers Of America) Awards were recently presented. The following were recognized:

Farm Business Management Team
Layce Arnette
Emilly Cribbs
Brooke Gasque
Kate Gasque

Greenhand Knowledge Bowl Team
Kate Gasque
Lydia George
Heath Mew
Reese Rouse

Tractor Driving team
Izzy Freudenburg
Jaylon Hulon
James Johnson
Bailey Jordan
Hendley Ann McIntyre

Agricultural Education CDE
Morgan Holt

Extemperaneous public speaking
Hendley Ann McIntyre

Prepared Public Speaking
Sophie Haseldon

Employment Skills CDE
Izzy Freudenburg

Outstanding Senior Award
Jaylon Hulon
Nick Lane

Outstanding Leadership Award

Izzy Freudenburg
Morgan Holt

2023-2024 Officer Team
Izzy Freudenburg-President
Morgan Holt Jr. Advisor
Brooke Gasque-Vice-President
Emilly Cribbs-Secretary
Madison Griffey-Treasurer
Clay Lee Jr.-Treasurer
Layce Arnette-Reporter
Reese Rouse Jr.-Reporter
Kate Gasque-Sentinel
Heath Mew-Chaplain
Lydia George-Historian

Contributed Photos
Click to enlarge.