Latta And Mount Andrew Methodist Churches Separate From United Methodist Church; Affiliate With Global Methodist Church

June 30, 2024 marked a significant day in the histories of Latta Methodist Church and Mount Andrew Church. It was the day they officially disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church.
Both churches voted prior to this date to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church, according to Pastor Matt Scott, who pastors at both churches.
Pastor Scott explained that “disaffiliation is defined as ‘the termination of an affiliation; the act of ceasing to be associated with something.’ A majority of members from Latta and Mount Andrew voted to terminate their affiliation with the United Methodist Church. They no longer wanted to be associated with that denomination. The South Carolina Annual Conference of the UMC preferred to use the term ‘separation’ through this process, rather than disaffiliation, I believe for the opportunity for connection and working together in the future, as the Spirit leads. Disaffiliation (or Separation) for these local churches means that the churches can own their property. It is no longer ‘in trust’ to the UMC. Both churches have a board of trustees that have been responsible for building upkeep. Many church members donated for the upkeep and renovations of their buildings, so they are relieved to ‘own’ their buildings. Many church members did not agree with the progressive direction of the United Methodist denomination. They felt that they could not support the decisions of the UMC by continuing to pay apportionments. By disaffiliating from the UMC, Latta and Mount Andrew no longer have to pay apportionments to go toward something they believe goes against Biblical teaching. Finally, these two churches took a Biblical stand in what they believe in.”
Each church went through a discernment process to reach these decisions. Pastor Scott said that “Both churches started praying about this decision over a year before we voted. We prayed that God would lead us in the way He wanted us to go and that He would provide the way. Church committees discussed the process laid out by the SC Annual Conference. We formed sub-committees to help us with our work of discernment. During our period of discernment, we gathered for worship, prayer, we learned about current events in both the UMC and GMC. Both churches wanted to make an informed decision and a decision based on God’s will for the church. We asked ourselves, ‘Can we continue to make disciples of Jesus Christ if we remain in the UMC?, or should we align with the GMC as we seek to make disciples?’ These were difficult questions to consider as most church members grew up in the UMC. It’s uncomfortable leaving something familiar behind to join something unfamiliar. There is so much uncertainty in the future, but we believe that God would guide us and direct us no matter what decision He led us to make.”
The churches are now called Latta Methodist Church and Mount Andrew Methodist Church. “Much of our Sunday morning worship is the same,” Pastor Scott said. “There does seem to be a different feeling on Sunday morning that is hard to explain. It’s almost as if a weight has been lifted off our shoulders.”
Both Latta and Mount Andrew voted to affiliate with the Global Methodist Church. This affiliation became official on July 1, 2024.
The mission of the Global Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.”
“In July, I preached a sermon series that took a deeper look at what the mission statement means as we all journey into this new life together as Global Methodists,” Pastor Scott said.
Pastor Scott described the difference between a United Methodist and a Global Methodist Church. “United Methodists and Global Methodists are both founded on the teachings of John Wesley. In my opinion, the United Methodist Church is moving toward a more progressive form of Christianity and away from John Wesley’s teachings where a self-avowed practicing homosexual can now be ordained. The UMC is also allowing same-sex marriages in their churches when a certain set of requirements are met. The Global Methodist Church stands as a more traditional, conservative church in its view of Biblical teaching. I personally do not wish to use labels as they can hinder our witness as a church. Labels box people in and no longer allows for real conversations. I pray that both United Methodists and Global Methodists can lay aside their labels when the dust settles and join together in making disciples of Jesus Christ, as all churches have been called since the time of Christ.
If you are interested in attending one of these churches, Mount Andrew Methodist Church is located at 3000 Stackhouse Road, Dillon, meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sundays for morning worship. Latta Methodist Church is located at 306 North Marion Street, Latta, and has Sunday School at 10 a.m. and morning worship at 11 a.m. They welcome new members.

PICTURED AT TOP, Latta Methodist Church is on the left, and Mount Andrew Methodist Church is on the right. (Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC)