Kemper Baptist Church To Hold Revival From September 8-13

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The Kemper Baptist Church will hold revival from September 8-13 at 7:00 p.m. with Tyler Blue.
Tyler was born on September 19, 1996.
Tyler’s dad was a tent evangelist and he was in church almost every night of his life. He has traveled all over American with his family putting up the tent and helping any way that he could. Growing up in a church and his dad being a preacher, his thoughts were always, “I am a good kid, I have never really committed any terrible sins, and I was spiritually okay.”
In 2003, as a six-year-old boy, God showed Tyler, for the first time in his life, that it did not matter who his parents were, and it did not matter how many times he had been to church, he was lost and on his way to Hell. Tyler gave his life to Jesus on July 19, 2003.
Years went on after that, and Tyler’s family continued to travel and put up the tent, and in 2006, God placed the calling on his life to preach. Wondering how much a nine-year-old boy could preach or how anybody would listen to him, God said, “Trust Me,” and that is exactly what he has been doing ever since.
In 2011, God began to deal with Tyler about going into the ministry and becoming a full-time evangelist. Wondering how in the world he would be able to do that, again God said, “Trust Me,” and that is what he did. He surrendered to the call, and now believes Tyler Blue Ministries is exactly where God wants him.
In June of 2017, he and his wife, Mykaela, got married, which is what Tyler would say is “The second greatest day of his life.”
Since then, Tyler and his family have been on the road spreading the gospel of Jesus.
The Lord blessed the Blues with three children: Cooper Thomas Blue, age 6; Ella Kate Blue, age 4; and Addy Rae Blue, 1 year old.
Tyler is so thankful for the privilege of traveling America with his family.
Over the past year and a half, we have seen over 4,000 saved through our ministry. Nothing we have done, but all the glory goes to God.
Kemper Baptist Church is located at 713 Kemper Road, Lake View.
Pastor Haywood Proctor and the entire congregation invites everyone to attend and receive a blessing.