Jim Kirkland Speaks To VFW About Habitat For Humanity

Rev. Jim Kirkland of Habitat for Humanity, Assistant Director for Marion-Dillon Counties, was the March program speaker at the Dillon VFW. Rev. Kirkland spoke about work being done locally to assist families living in substandard housing in partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build a quality and affordable house large enough to meet the family needs. Qualifying families must invest 300 hours of sweat equity into their home. Once completed, the new homeowners pay on a 30-year no profit mortgage at zero percent interest. Presently, the Marion-Dillon Habitat affiliate is building a home in the Lake View Community on land donated by former LVHS 2013 football player and NFL superstar Darius Shaquille Leonard’s foundation – Maniac Cares. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit funded through grants, and individual, church, civic, and corporate donors. College groups across the country volunteer their spring break time each year to help build Habitat for Humanity Houses. Other volunteers are allowed to provide up to 100 hours of sweat equity into the construction toward the required 300 hours of the homeowner. Pictured is the house style of the home now under construction in Lake View. This is the first Habitat for Humanity Home being built in Dillon County. More information is available online at www.marion-dilloncountyhfh.org or call Rev. Jim Kirkland on 843.464.3747. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit ecumenical Christian housing ministry. Pictured is Rev. Jim Kirkland speaking at Dillon VFW Post 6091.