Importance Of Senior Citizens Stressed At Sheriff’s ‘Are You Okay?’ Luncheon

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By Betsy Finklea
The importance of senior citizens was stressed at the Dillon County Sheriff’s Office “Are You Okay” Luncheon at the City of Dillon Wellness Center on Tuesday, June 18th.
Moses Heyward, Community Relationship Manager for Dillon County Sheriff’s Office, is heading the program, which is designed for Senior Citizens ages 65 and older. Seniors receive a weekly call and follow-up calls if needed that check in on them.
Sheriff Jamie Hamilton said that sometimes Senior Citizens feel left out. “As Sheriff, it’s important to me to know you guys feel important,” Sheriff Hamilton told the packed room. Hamilton said it means a great deal to him to hear about the conversations Heyward is having with the seniors and the impact these calls are making. He said his goal is to reach as many people as he can, and he hopes the bigger picture is that it will be a life-saving effort. “Our senior citizens are valuable to our community,” said Hamilton, stressing that the door to the Sheriff’s Office is always open.
Lake View Mayor Sterling Lee said this is an awesome program and they are doing an excellent job with it.
Senator Kent Williams, who has represented this area for the past 20 years, said we must take care of our elders because they are the shoulders we stand on. He said this is about building relationships and letting people know that law enforcement officers are our friends and are here to help. “We have to look after each other,” Senator Williams said.
Cynthia Pernell, wife of the late Sheriff Douglas Pernell, said bringing this program, which was started by Sheriff Harold Grice, was at the top of Sheriff Pernell’s list. She said that he wanted to make sure that senior citizens were taken care of and not overlooked. She asked those in attendance to share this information with their churches and friends so that as many senior citizens as possible can get signed up.
After the remarks, those in attendance enjoyed a feast of fruit, cheese, meats, and more. Sheriff Hamilton reports that 28 new people signed up for the program on Tuesday. If you would like to sign up, call Mr. Heyward at at 843-506-4973.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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