Hamer Church Of God Honors Pastor Kevin And Nancy Byrd

The Hamer Church of God honored Pastor Kevin and Nancy Byrd on Sunday, September 29, at the 10:45 a.m. service for Pastor Appreciation Day.
As one entered the parking lot at Hamer Church of God, one could see the sign in front of the church with a picture of the couple that read “Thank you!!! Pastor Kevin and Nancy Byrd.
As one entered the church, one was greeted by church members who welcomed one to the service.
Bobby Deese welcomed everyone from the pulpit to the Hamer Church of God. Deese offered a prayer followed by the announcements. He also announced that today, Sunday, September 29, was Pastor Appreciation Day.
The choir and the congregation sang “Friend of God” and “Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine”.
The morning offering was taken followed by the singing of “What A Wonderful Name It Is-The Name Of Jesus”.
The youth and children of the church were in a video, “What Is A Pastor?” The youth, the children, and their leaders presented Pastor Byrd with a card gift. The Women’s Discipleship presented a gift and “thank you” to Mrs. Nancy Byrd after reciting “The Preacher’s Wife”. Mrs. Byrd was thanked for all that she did for the church and everyone. The Church and Pastor’s Council thanked the pastor and presented him with a gift.
The video the church produced that starred the children and youth of the church not only asked the questions about the pastor and Mrs. Byrd, but also answered the questions such as “What is Mrs. Byrd’s favorite food?” “How long does Pastor Byrd read the Bible daily?” Why do we have pastors?” “What does Sister Nancy do all day?” What do you love about Sister Nancy and Pastor Byrd?” Other questions were also asked and answered. The youth and children presented the pastor with a Bible and presented Mrs. Nancy Byrd with a framed item.
The message for today’s sermon was from Bishop David Wilks of the Effingham Church of God. He has pastored there for 11 years. The church has grown from 54 members to over 300 members during his tenure. He is married to Barbara, and they have 2 children.
Bishop Wilks spoke of Rev. Byrd’s generosity. The Bishop Wilks spoke of a phone call that he received from Pastor Byrd who offered food to the members and others in the community who may need food. Not only did Pastor Byrd provide the food, he delivered it!
Bishop Wilks’ sermon was from Nehemiah 1:3.
At the conclusion of the service, an invitation was given.
After prayer, everyone was invited to a delicious meal that was served in the Hamer Church of God Fellowship Hall where everyone enjoyed the time of fellowship and food.
Hamer Church of God is located at 2410 Hwy. 301 North, Hamer, S.C.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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