Granny’s Recipes Restaurant MX Grand Opening Held

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Chamber of Commerce held a grand opening for Granny’s Recipes Restaurant MX on Tuesday, April 30th, at 11 a.m.
The restaurant is located at 1217 Highway 301 South, Dillon, in the former Marvin’s Convenience Store location. Pastor Locklear offered prayer to begin the occasion.
Christina, the owner, said that she is excited for the opportunity to provide more choices for the people of this county as well as to expose them to her family’s culture.
Pablo said that they will do the same things as Mr. Marvin, who comes there every day, and they will add tacos, quesadillas, and more. On Saturdays and Sundays, they will have specials that could be anything from mutton to goat.
City of Dillon Mayor Tally McColl said that any time a new restaurant or business opens in Dillon, it is not only a good day for the business owner, it’s a good day for the citizens.
Dillon County Economic Development Director Rodney Berry said he welcomes the addition of a new restaurant to Dillon County and looks forward to their authentic menu.
Dillon County Council Chairwoman Detrice McCollum-Dawkins said it is a good day in Dillon County when a small business opens because small-owned businesses help our country thrive.
Herb Jacobs of the Dillon County Chamber of Commerce and David Longacre of the Palmetto Leadership Alumni Group also extended warm welcomes to the business.
Granny’s Recipes Restaurant MX is open daily from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News
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