Grand Opening Held For Man 2 Man In Dillon County

By Betsy Finklea
Man 2 Man held the grand opening of their Dillon County office on Tuesday afternoon.
Dillon County Councilman Jamal Campbell gave the welcome and said they are happy to have Man 2 Man in the county. The opening invocation was given by Pastor Gregory Woods of the Bennettsville office.
Sterling Lee, an intervention specialist and mayor of Lake View, said that ever since April they have been preparing for the moment by building relationships, making partnerships, and enjoying friendships. He recognized several in attendance including Mayor Tally McColl, Monty Bell, Andrew Jordan of Tim Scott’s office, Rodney Berry, Dr. Tamara Nance Bethea, DSS, Pee Dee Coalition, Sheriff Jamie Hamilton, the Lake View Police Department, Herbert Jacobs, Joe Chapman, and Jim Kirkland.
Pastor Roanell Hough gave the history. He said Man 2 Man received its funding in 1999 and in 2000 opened its door. He said they help men, mothers, and children build stronger families. In 2004, they receive their 501(c). They serve Dillon, Marion, Florence, Chesterfield, and Marlboro Counties. He said they do a wonderful job at helping fathers build relationships with their children. He said they also work with youth and mentor parents and children and offer them group sessions on various topics including economic mobility. He said all families need to be strong families. He said that they stress that if you do what you are supposed to do and set a good standard that you can be productive members of society. He concluded his remarks by reading a testimonial.
Carlos Braswell, a father in the program, gave a touching testimonial about the difference that Man 2 Man has made in his life and how he is trying his best to be his best. He thanks God for the hope and faith he has found at Man 2 Man is appreciative of the opportunity.
Derrick Dease, executive director of the program said he is proud and honored to be able to serve in this program. He said they are grateful to have a brick and mortar location in Dillon. He said he hopes to program will make a great splash in Dillon County.
Dillon Mayor Tally McColl said this was a great additionto the City of Dillon and a good day for the entire community. He said encouraging kids makes us all stronger.
Rep. Jackie Hayes talked about how the program and the impact that it is making. He said the governor noted in his budget remarks that Man 2 Man was a great use of taxpayer money. He said if people need help they should reach out for help. he said they have great leaders, and he believes this program will explode.
Jamal Campbell presented awards to Rep. Hayes and Director Dease for all they have done. He said they also have an award for Perdue Farms, who is a great supporter.
Richard Barr spoke about the impact that Dease has had on the program and said that Dease had developed himself after coming out of Evans Correctional andnow has a masters degree and is a professor. He said Man 2 Man is the best place to be for development.
Representatives from athe Center also spoke about this wonderful program.
After everyone was finished speaking, the ribbon was cut, and all were invited in for refreshments and to take a look at the center.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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