Four-Year-Old And Five-Year-Old Early Kindergarten Registration Set For May 3rd In Dillon District Four

FRIDAY, May 3, 2024

Dillon School District Four will conduct kindergarten registration for all students who will be four-years-old on
or before September 1, 2024 or five-years-old on or before September 1, 2024.
Early registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be held on Friday, May 3, 2024 at the three (3) elementary schools: East, Stewart Heights, and Lake View Elementary.
• Four and five-year-old students in the East attendance zone should register at East Elementary.
• Four and five-year-old students in the Stewart Heights attendance zone should register at Stewart Heights Elementary.
• Four and five-year-old students in Lake View should register at Lake View Elementary.
Since East, Stewart Heights, and Lake View Elementary serve designated attendance zones, parents should be prepared to provide proof of residence when registering.

The elementary schools will be open for registration between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Parents are requested to bring a copy of the documents listed below. Registration is considered incomplete without all documents on file.
• Child’s Birth Certificate
• S.C. Certification of Immunization (shot record)
• Social Security Card (being requested for student identification purposes)
• Department of Social Services (DSS) Case Number (if applicable)
• Medicaid Card (if applicable)
• Two (2) Documents Denoting Proof of Address

Students who will be four-year-old on or before September 1, 2024 may be eligible for full-day 4K services.
Eligible students are those that meet the annual federal poverty definition or those that are Medicaid eligible.
Acceptable forms of verification include the following: verification of family income, copy of current Medicaid Card, and/or DSS Case Number. Verification of family income may include pay stubs, tax returns, or W-2 forms. Verification must be on file before a child can be enrolled.
State law mandates that all five-year-old children must be enrolled in a public or private kindergarten unless a waiver is signed by the parents or legal guardian. Waiver forms are available upon request at the elementary schools.
Parents that have questions regarding kindergarten registration should call the school their child is zoned to attend.
• East Elementary, 843-774-1222, Principal: Shannon Berry
• Stewart Heights Elementary, 843-774-1219, Principal: Jan Powers-Penuel
• Lake View Elementary, 843-759-3003, Principal: Tamara Nance-Bethea

AGE REQUIREMENTS- Children must be four-years-old on or before September 1, 2024 to qualify for 4K services. Children must be
five-years-old on or before September 1, 2024 to qualify for 5K services.
REGISTRATION FORM- Dillon School District Four registration forms must be filled out prior to enrollment. It is especially important to provide information on whom to contact in case of an emergency. Home phone numbers, cell numbers and work/emergency numbers will be requested. If there is a change in residence and/or if phone numbers change, the school where the child attends should be notified immediately. Current contact information should always be on file in the event of an emergency.
A LEGAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE STATE- State issued birth certificates (card or long sheet) are accepted. Hospital birth certificates are not legal documents and cannot be accepted.
SOCIAL SECURITY CARD- Schools will make a copy and return the card to the parent/guardian. Parents may submit a copy of a
legal document with the child’s number on it. (Ex: DSS printout) If a child does not have a Social Security Card, applications may be requested from the Social Security Office.
IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE- Children must have a South Carolina Certificate of Immunization to enter public school. School nurses may issue a temporary thirty (30) day South Carolina Certificate of Special Exception (Immunization) on a case-by-case basis. A South Carolina Certificate of Religious Exemption may be requested from DHEC or a family physician.
PROOF OF RESIDENCE- The three primary schools in Dillon School District Four serve identified attendance zones. Upon registration, parents/guardians will be asked to provide two (2) documents showing proof of residence.
MEDICAID- If a child has a Medicaid Card; a copy will be made, and the card returned to the parent/guardian. Certain health services are covered if a student is enrolled in a public school, such as, speech therapy and/or dental clinic visits.
MEDICAL INFORMATION- Parents should inform the school if a child has special medical conditions. Each of the three elementary schools in Dillon School District Four has a registered nurse assigned. If additional health information is needed, a school nurse will make contact with the parent. Pre-school physicals are not mandatory, but encouraged.
SCHOOL MEALS- Dillon School District Four participates in the Community Eligibility Program. Students are served breakfast and lunch each school day. Breakfast is served promptly upon the start of the school day. Lunch is served mid-day according to an approved schedule. School meals meet all Federal nutritional guidelines.
BUS ROUTES- Children residing 1½ miles or more from the school they are zoned to attend may ride a school bus to and from school.
Pick-up points and bus routes are published in The Dillon Herald prior to the opening of school. Bus information can be secured by calling the bus office at 843-774-3317.