Pop-Up Farmers Market

Pop-Up Farmers Market, October 14, 4-7 p.m., South Plaza in downtown Dillon beside the fountain, Theme: Trick or Treat at the Market.

Dementia Support Group

Dementia Support Group for family, friends, and caregivers, Tuesday, October 15, 10 a.m.-11 a.m., Winesett Classroom in the educational building at First United Methodist Church of Marion., Call to register or for additional information, Amy Wahl, Office: 843-423-3533 or fumc@fmucmarionsc.org.

Event Series Latta Rotary Club Meeting

Latta Rotary Club Meeting

Latta Rotary Club 201 West Main Street, Latta, SC, United States

The Latta Rotary Club meets on Tuesday of each week (except holidays) at 12 noon at the Latta Rotary Hall, above William E. Hayes and Sons Land Surveyors, 201 West Main Street, Latta.

Internet Safety Presentation

Internet Safety Presentation for Parents, Community, & Law Enforcement, Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00 p.m., Ellis Performing Arts Center, Presented by South Carolina Internet Crimes Against Children.

Dillon County Historical Society Meeting

The next meeting for the Dillon County Historical Society will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at Southern Fried Restaurant with our speaker being the Honorable Judge James E. Lockemy. The meal will be $18 a person and we encourage you to RSVP. You can reserve with Chris Daniels at danielstechology@yahoo.com...