Employees Promoted At Detention Center, Sheriff’s Office

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Two employees have been promoted at the Dillon County Detention Center and the Dillon County Sheriff’s Office.
Please join Sheriff Hamilton and his staff in congratulating the following on their recent promotions:

Qunisha Mays:
Qunisha was recently promoted to the rank of Corporal at the Dillon County Detention Center. Corporal Mays is from Marlboro County, where she began her career at Marlboro County Detention Center in 2022. Corporal Mays joined the Dillon County Detention Center, where she advised she “has learned so much”. Corporal Mays gives credit to Captain Samuel for giving her a chance and to 1st Sgt. Samuel for “seeing my hard work and dedication”. Corporal Mays enjoys working on “A” Shift, stating ” A-Shift is one big happy family.”

Austin Grice:
Austin Grice recently transferred into the Criminal Investigations Division as a Detective. Detective Grice began his law enforcement career in 2011 and came to the Dillon County Sheriff’s Office in 2021. Detective Grice attends Dillon Church of God. Detective Grice stated he is “looking forwards to working with the other investigators and the cmmunity to solve crimes.”
Congratulations Corporal Mays and Detective Grice.