Dillon Woman Sentenced to 17 Years for 2022 Aggravated Assault and Battery

Joanna Mack, 37, pled guilty to assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature in Dillon County
General Sessions Court on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 for a July 2022 incident. Circuit Court Judge Kirk Griffin
sentenced Mack to 17 years in prison.
“This was a senseless act of violence,” said Assistant Solicitor Shipp Daniel, who prosecuted the case.
“There is nothing the criminal justice system can do to restore the victim’s family, but today we got some amount of justice. We are thankful to the Court for its tough sentence.”
Mack brutally assaulted an 83-year-old victim in July of 2022. The victim’s family was present at the
hearing and told the Court about how the incident has changed their lives.
“Criminal sentencing is the most difficult thing a circuit court judge has to do,” said Judge Griffin.
“But this case deserves a strict sentence.”
According to South Carolina law, Mack will have to serve at least 85% of her sentence.