Dillon VFW Member Joins SCDVA Palmetto Pathfinders

DILLON VFW MEMBER JOINS SCDVA PALMETTO-PATHFINDERS: Danielle Smith is a member of Dillon VFW Post 6091 where she serves as Junior Vice Commander for the Post. Danielle recently completed the South Carolina Department of Veterans Affairs Palmetto-Pathfinder course in Charleston. SCDVA Palmetto-Pathfinders are trained to mentor both active-duty military members transitioning to civilian life, and Veterans of military service in understanding available VA resources. Post Commander Chris Norris said that Danielle and others in the Dillon VFW who have become SCDVA Palmetto-Pathfinders are now regularly mentoring local Veterans to become better informed about resources available to them after leaving military service. The Dillon VFW now has 5 SCDVA Palmetto-Pathfinder graduates: Chris Norris, Timmy Hooks, Danielle Smith, Joey Willaims, and Stephanie Maza. Veterans can call the Dillon VFW on 843.506.8084 for more information or visit online https://scdva.sc.gov/palmetto-pathfinder-program.

Pictured, l-r, Dave Rozelle, Danielle Smith, and Jade Berkley.