Dillon School District Four to Provide Summer Meals at No Charge

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Dillon School District Four is pleased to announce that Lake View High and Dillon High will be participating in the Seamless Summer Option as an open site.

Seamless Summer Option provides breakfast and lunch at no charge for school age children (18 and under). This program will begin on June 3, 2024 and end on June 27, 2024. Breakfast and lunch will be served 10:30am-12:00pm Monday thru Thursday. Children 18 and under will receive a bagged breakfast and a hot lunch to go.

All students enrolled in the Summer Boost Programs will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge. All students enrolled in the Summer Reading Camp will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge. All students enrolled in Credit Recovery will receive breakfast and lunch at no charge.

If you have any questions please contact Missy Moody Food Service Coordinator at 843-774-1200.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.