Dillon Mayor Attends Local Elected Leaders Summit on Flooding and Sea Level Rise In Washington, D.C.

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WASHINGTON, DC — May 23, 2024 — This week the American Flood Coalition (AFC) hosted its Local Elected Leaders Summit on Flooding and Sea Level Rise in Washington, D.C. AFC convened 43 mayors, county commissioners, and other local leaders, as well as federal experts and members of Congress, to explore solutions, build relationships, and drive action on flooding.
Dillon Mayor Tally McColl was among the attendees.
“Local leaders across the country face unique, urgent challenges in tackling flooding, while balancing the responsibilities of leading a community,” said AFC Executive Director Melissa Roberts. “By bringing together leaders and connecting them with resources and guidance, we can empower them to protect their communities from flooding.”

The three days of roundtable discussions and policy-focused meetings included sessions on innovative flood solutions and the federal funding landscape. Local leaders spoke with senior officials at the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Economic Development Agency.
On the final day of the Summit, leaders met with members of their Congressional delegations to discuss urgent priorities, such as robust federal flood data, streamlined access to federal programs, and continued investments in flood-resilient infrastructure.
AFC coordinated a total of 34 Hill meetings with bipartisan members of Congress and their staff, including personal visits with Senators Marco Rubio (FL), Joni Ernst (IA), Chuck Grassley (IA), Ted Budd (NC), Tim Scott (SC), John Cornyn (TX), and Ted Cruz (TX). Leaders also connected with over dozen members of the U.S. Representatives and their staff, including conversations with Reps. Michael Waltz (FL), Ashley Hinson (IA), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA), Don Davis (NC), David Rouzer (NC), Russell Fry (SC), Vicente Gonzalez (TX), and Randy Weber (TX), among others. AFC has recognized many of these members as Federal Champions for their leadership, public service, and commitment to finding proactive solutions to the challenges posed by flooding.
By the end of the three-day summit, local leaders left with actionable ideas, resources, and connections to build long-lasting flood resilience for their constituents and communities.
“I was really impressed with the AFC and their staff. The information and connections that they provided over the three days will prove valuable to areas like Dillon that constantly face issues with flooding. By working with the AFC I think we can find new sources and resources to help communities like ours with flood prevention infrastructure,” said Tally McColl. “It was an honor to join this group to learn more about the State and Federal resources that are available.”

About the American Flood Coalition

The American Flood Coalition is a nonpartisan group that brings together cities, elected officials, military leaders, businesses, and civic groups to drive adaptation to higher seas, stronger storms, and more frequent flooding. The Coalition advances solutions that support flood-affected communities and protect our nation’s residents, economy, and military installations. AFC has over 430 members across 22 states, as well as 41 Federal Champions. For more on the organization’s work or how to become a member, visit floodcoalition.org.
Cities, towns, elected officials, businesses, and local leaders wishing to join the American Flood Coalition or read more about the organization’s work can visit the Coalition’s website (www.floodcoalition.org) to find out more.