Dillon County Sheriff’s Office Back-To-School Bash Held

By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Sheriff’s Office held a Back-To-School Bash, an awards presentation, and a balloon release in memory of the late Sheriff Douglas Pernell on Saturday, August 3 on the Sheriff’s Office grounds.
There were inflatables and activities for the kids to enjoy, snow cones, hot dogs and hamburgers served by Strive to Thrive, and back to school bags.
A short program was held. Sheriff Jamie Hamilton said as he was taking about doing something for the kids in the community as they head back to school, he didn’t realize that the one year anniversary of Sheriff Pernell’s death, August 7th, would be near the opening of school. He said the community “lost a lot” when we lost Sheriff Pernell. He said Sheriff Pernell was active in the community, an advocate for kids, and sincerely cared about the kids of Dillon County.
He talked about a post that Cynthia Pernell, the wife of the late Sheriff, made on social media. He said she asked Douglas why he kept running, after not being elected in previous campaigns. He said he was doing it for the people of Dillon County because he felt like he could make a difference.
Cynthia Pernell was the next to speak. She asked who was ready to go back to school. She told the students to do the best they can do. She told the students that their teachers loved them, their parents loved them, and the community loved them. She said they will not tolerate bullying. If students are being bothered or teased at school or they are being upset every day, then they need to tell their teacher or their parents. She told them to have a wonderful time and enjoy the activities. She concluded telling them to do their best in school and wished them a happy back to school.
Senator Kent Williams thanked Sheriff Jamie Hamilton and his team for putting this event together. Senator Williams told the students that they had support and there were people who cared about them. He said he hoped that had a great and successful school year. He told the students that they were at the school for one reason and one reason only–to get the best education available to them and not to let anyone get in the way of that. He said if they experience bullying to report it to people in authority.
Senator Williams then spoke about the late Sheriff Douglas Pernell. he said that he met Douglas in 1995. Senator Williams was the county extension agent them and worked in the Gibson Building across the street from the Sheriff’s Office. They became good friends. He said he knows Douglas is smiling down right now.
City of Dillon Mayor Tally McColl said there is no better way to pay tribute to the late Sheriff than this event.
Angie Thompson, an employee of the Sheriff’s Office and niece of the late Sheriff, said she had Pernell said she was emotional every day at the Sheriff’s Office since his passing. She expressed her support for the late Sheriff and for the current Sheriff Jamie Hamilton. He said if anyone needs the Sheriff’s Office to let them know or let their parents know. They are happy to help.
Dr. James Orr, pastor at Pyerian Baptist Church, gave a prayer and a blessing of the food. He said Dillon County was a great place to live, and there were organizations working to make life better.
There was a balloon release of black and blue balloons in memory of the late Sheriff Douglas Pernell.
Three people were presented special awards for their actions to save a child in distress at the Boys To Men Gala. Deputy Ajani Thompson was the first recognized, Principal Jan Powers-Penuel of Dillon Elementary School made the presentation. She said she was very thankful for the things that Sheriff Pernell started and that Sheriff Hamilton is continuing. Deputy Keith Stapleton was also recognized. Superintendent Stephanie Ard made his presentation. Detective Bobby Porter, head of Boys To Men, was also recognized.. Cynthia Pernell made the PResentation to him. She said that these officers rendered assistance immediately. She said it was a wonderful feeling to be able to put your child in someone’s hands who was going to take care of your precious baby. She said when students go to school she wants them to know they are safe and loved.
Porter said the kids in Boys To Men and Girls With Purpose are coming. He said these kids are really going to be something special in the community. He said they will be the next Sheriffs, the next doctors, and the next teachers because they are coming. He said he knows they are going to be successful.
Chief Deputy Wayne Green told everyone to line up for their lunches and bags. It was an outstanding event.

Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
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