Dillon County Councilman Kenny Cook, District 5, is reporting to the people of his district and Dillon County about parks, litter, and the animal shelter.
When Cook was elected two years ago, his first priority was to build a good relationship with the other councilmen.
During his campaign, Cook promised to work on parks and recreation, and he has kept this promise.
Cook convinced Ryan Schafer of South of the Border to donate the money necessary to revive one park and add two other parks that would serve the communities in Dillon County.
The County of Dillon began with the revitalization of the Little Rock Park. Next the County of Dillon began construction of a new park located at Hamer followed by a new park at Floyd Dale. Presently the County of Dillon has completed 70% of these projects. More work is to be done including a Pickleball Court at Hamer, S.C.
These locations are safe for our kids and adults, and a great place for fellowship.
The Dillon County Council has balanced the budget for two years in a row with all of the councilmen working for the betterment of our Dillon County citizens.
For the next two years, Cook will devote some time to the litter problem and the animal problem but have emphasis also on industry in the county.
The County of Dillon is working on an ordinance that will help control the litter problem. Cook stated, “We must all work together to accomplish this. Every citizen must do his or her part to help keep our communities clean and safe. We must all ask ourselves “what can I do to help?”
“It’s not fair to the citizens who keep their homes and yards clean to live next door to someone who has a ‘junk yard’ behind their home,” remarked Cook.
Cook stated that the Dillon County Council was not attempting to regulate our citizens, but was attempting to offer our citizens a format to help themselves.
Cook also stated that he had visited the Dillon County Animal Shelter. On his visit this past Monday, there were approximately 85 dogs and 3 or 4 cats. While there he observed our new director and all that she faced as there are no set policies presently at the animal shelter. The County of Dillon needs to have set policies to make the animal shelter more efficient.
“We need everyone in the County of Dillon to work together to help solve the trash and animal problems in our County,” commented Cook. “We must all work together and make a difference.”
“I ask everyone in the County of Dillon to send suggestions as to how we can all solve our trash and animal shelter problems,” said Cook.
Email Kenny Cook at: kcook@dilloncountysc.org.
Dillon County Councilman Kenny Cook Report On Parks, Litter, and Animal Shelter