By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon City Council approved the contract for the incoming City Manager Burt Rogers at their meeting on Monday night.
After an executive session, Councilman Phil Wallace made the motion, seconded by Councilman Douglas Jackson. Then Attorney Janet Paschal asked Mayor Tally McColl to review the terms of the contract. McColl read the terms. It is a four-year contract. McColl noted that this contract had also been discussed last month in an executive session and that changes were asked for and made.
The contract reads as follows:
William Burton Rogers
City Manager’s Contract
Effective Date 3/4/2025
Every two (2) years during the term hereof this agreement shall automatically be extended for an additional two (2) years, unless the council notifies the Manager in writing at least four (4) months prior the anniversary of the effective date of this agreement.
If Mayor and Council are dissatisfied with my performance, city will buy out the remaining term of my contract based on annual salary.
If Manager is terminated before reaching twenty-eight (28) years of continued service, the city shall purchase his remaining time, employee and employer, to qualify him for state retirement. Also, provide the benefits that the city offers all employees who have satisfied the twenty-eight (28) years of continuous years of service with the City of Dillon.
Starting Salary: $120,000.00
The Manager’s annual salary shall be automatically increased each year on the anniversary of the effective date of this agreement based on consumer price index (CPI) increase.
The city to pay Health, Vision, and Dental insurance premium.
Manager allowed to sell five (5) weeks and earn five (5) weeks of vacation annually.
The city shall provide the manager with a vehicle for the manager’s business and personal use. The city will include all maintenance cost and provide gas.
Food allowance for discretionary business expenses related to city business.
The contract is signed by William Burton Rogers, City Manager; Nicholas T. McColl, Mayor; Dr. Phil Wallace, Councilman; Timothy Cousar, Mayor Pro-Tem; Douglas Jackson, Councilman; Johnny Eller, Councilman; and James W. David, Councilman.
The Date Executed is 2-10-2025.
The only additional benefit not listed in the contract is a cell phone.
The salary of the outgoing city manager, Glen Wagner, is $105,000 plus benefits.
Public discussion was held by council before the vote on Rogers contract.
Councilman Johnny Eller asked some questions. Eller asked if there was a limit on the mile radius that Rogers could take “the taxpayers vehicle” or could he just take it anywhere. McColl said he could use it for his personal use and stated that it was the same thing that current City Manager Wagner had. Rogers also stated that it was the exact same thing that Wagner had.
Eller then asked, “we are not going to buy Burt a new vehicle since he has got a brand new vehicle, correct?” Rogers said the vehicle he had was five years old and when the time came, a vehicle would be included in the budget. He said the vehicle he has now would go back to the Public Works Department, but stated that he “wasn’t worried about a vehicle right now.” Eller said they were doing the budget now and asked if it would be included in the budget. Rogers said it would be in the budget.
Councilman Tim Cousar asked when they hired a new guy for public works they weren’t going to buy him a new vehicle. Rogers said no.
Eller said he just got the contract in his hand and said it was hard for him to vote in favor of a contract like this. Rogers said do what you have to do, Johnny.
The motion passed to approve the contract 6-1. McColl, Jackson, Wallace, Tim Cousar, and Jay David voted in favor of the contract. Eller was opposed.
Rogers has been employed by the City of Dillon since April 1999. He worked in the recreation department during his first year before being promoted to street supervisor in the early part of 2000. In 2016, he was named the Public Works director. In 2024, he was named the assistant city manager. In December 2024 in a 5-2 vote, the council made him the next city manager upon the retirement of Wagner in March.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon County News, LLC
Pictured is new incoming City Manager Burt Rogers signing the contract.