Devotional: It’s Gonna Be Alright

By Rev. Rickey Stuckey,
Pastor of St. Stephens, St. Luke, and Beulah United Methodist Churches

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

I want to encourage somebody out there who may be going through a difficult time in your life right at this very moment. Well, let me assure you that it’s going to be alright. When we look at life in general, sometimes it’s difficult to understand why things happen the way they do. Life is a journey and sometimes the path it takes us seems to have no certain or sure direction. It’s easy for a Christian to find themselves questioning God about the trials and tribulations that they are facing. We, as believers, ask God why because we do not understand the reasons behind our sufferings. We must have faith and believe that no matter what comes our way, God is still in control, God knows exactly what He is doing, and He does not have to explain it to us. Our job is to trust Him no matter what.
Whatever we are going through, it is there to do something for us. It was allowed by God to come upon us because we need to go through the fire to burn off stuff in our lives that has us stagnated from being where God is trying to take us, do in us, or through us. God created us with a purpose in life, but the purpose comes with a process of different seasons. Every season that comes will be different because it brings what we need to get to the next season. It’s alright to ask God why because the things that we go through, He has already gone through them, and he knows what is best for us. The key to going through trouble is faith to believe that God has already made a way out of it before the trouble came, but we must go through the process. The process is going to bring blessings in our lives, and it will work out for our good. God knows what we can bear, and He will never leave us to go through anything alone. Once you have gained the knowledge of your purpose in life, then you will understand the situations that seem to overwhelm you. You will also gain the spiritual power to make it through to the next season.
My brothers and sisters, once you know who you are in Christ, you will not be afraid of any man or trial that attempts to hinder you because you will have the faith and confidence that sooner or later God will pull you through. God has a plan already in place for your life, if you walk with Him and let Him lead, you will always come out of everything that life throws at you. Man may try to block you, but when God has His hands on you, nothing in earth or hell will be able to stop what He has declared for your life. Stay with the Lord, and know in your heart that come hell or high water, It’s Gonna Be Alright.