DEVOTION: Trust and Believe That God Is Still In Charge

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By Rev. Rickey Levon Stuckey
Pastor of Dillon Parish
Beulah, St. Luke, & St. Stephens United Methodist Churches

Beloved, the storm that you’re in right now, may be raging and pounding you with everything it’s got, but don’t let the storm upset your faith and cause you to give up on God. Hang on in there.
The storm may be powerful, but the God you serve, is more powerful than your storm. Your storm won’t last always if you turn it over to God Almighty. He’s able to stand up in the middle of your storm and say peace be still. Keep the faith my brother, and my sister, God will fix it afterwhile. In times of trouble, the songwriter tells us to hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Yes, time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand, build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. Trust in Him who will not leave you whatsoever years may bring, If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling. Covet not this world’s vain riches that so rapidly decay, seek to gain the heavenly treasures, they will never pass away. When your journey is completed, if to God you have been true, fair and bright the home in glory, your enraptured soul will view. Hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Keep on serving the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. It may be rough sometimes, but God is able to see you through. I come to tell you, whatever you’re going through, if you trust and believe that God is still in charge, it’s gonna be alright. The devil can’t steal your joy, he can’t take your blessing, he can’t steal your praise, because God has been too good to you, and every time you get in trouble, He keeps making a way for you, He keeps opening doors that used to be closed in your face. Every time the enemy comes in like a flood, He keeps lifting up a standard against it. He keeps making your enemies your footstool.
He didn’t have to do it, but He kept watch over you all night long, and He woke you up early this morning, clothed in your right mind, you still had activity to your limbs. God brought you up and down the dangerous highway and let His grace and mercy follow you everywhere, blessing you going out and coming in. You better tell God thank you for still being in charge. You wouldn’t have made it this far if God wasn’t in charge, but He brought you over hills and lifted you out of valleys, He lifted your burdens, dried your tears, blessed you in front of all your enemies. God put money in your pocket, paid your bills, and every time you turn around, you see another blessing and you know that you haven’t been that good to deserve nothing. Oh, Praise His name! Beloved, be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you! Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you! Shout Glory! Hallelujah! Beloved, Trust and Believe that God is still in charge.