County Council Passes Budget With No Tax Increase

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By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council passed a $25,904,036 budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year on June 26th.
The budget is balanced and does not include a tax increase.
“The staff and council have worked hard to prepare a balanced budget with no tax increase and limited fee increases, and at the same time, providing employees with a salary increase in taking a step to bring salaries in line with surrounding local governments of comparable size,” said County Administrator Tim Harper.
Harper said there was an increase in landfill fees. This fee schedule can be seen in the attached budget ordinance.
Employees will get a three percent cost of living adjustment. Some employee salaries were increased to the minimum recommendations of a pay study that was held.
The budget does not include any capital purchases, and Harper said that there were no significant changes in the budget for any of the departments.
To see the budget ordinance and the annual budget estimate, click the links below.

Budget Ordinance
(Includes fees to be assessed, etc.)

Budget Ordinance No. 24-07 FY 2024-2025

Annual Budget Estimate
County Budget Estimates.pdf