City of Dillon Addressing Mosquito Problem Caused By Storm

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By Betsy Finklea
Anytime there are large amounts of rain from a storm such as Tropical Storm Debby, mosquitoes inevitably become an issue.
City Manager Glen Wagner said the next issue from the storm they are dealing with was mosquitoes. He said they are tearing him up at home. On Sunday, the city began spraying for mosquitoes. He said they are spraying two trucks and night and they are also lining up an airplane spray like they did six years ago. He said the quickest they can do it is next week. He said it is only going to get worse.
Street Superintendent Burt Rogers said they sprayed Sunday, but it takes mosquitoes 7 to 10 days to lay eggs and hatch. He said they will spray again Wednesday or Thursday. He said they sprayed the whole town on Sunday night.
Wagner said the airplane spray will give more broad coverage.
Wagner said that if you have standing water at home to pour it out. He said that’s where mosquitoes breed.
The public will be notified ahead of the airplane spray.