Citizen Asks County Council To Make Public Places Smoke-Free

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By Betsy Finklea
Annie Smith, director of the Dillon County Boys and Girls Youth Center, spoke to the Dillon County Council at a recent meeting about making Dillon County smoke-free in public places.
Smith spoke about protection from second-hand smoke. She said cigarette smoke is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States causing more than 480,000 deaths each year. She said this is nearly 1 in 5 deaths. She said currently Dillon County has the highest adult smoking rate in the state at 26 percent higher than the state and national averages.
She spoke about what smoke can do for the body. She asked that they establish a goal for secondhand smoke protection throughout the county and make this part of their agenda.
She said there is no safe level of second-hand smoke. She said the only way to truly protecting people is to present smoking inside area. She said citizens should have the right to breathe clean air. She said clean air is free.
She said a survey was done in Dillon County about a smoke-free Dillon County. She said 622 people surveyed agreed with non-smoking. She asked the County Council to consider making public places smoke-free.
She presented the following handouts which can be enlarged in the gallery below: