Editorial: Training For First Responders
Training for first responders is a hot topic from time to time particularly when it pertains to firefighters at the county level. There were many struggles at the county level…
Training for first responders is a hot topic from time to time particularly when it pertains to firefighters at the county level. There were many struggles at the county level…
Beauty, history, modern technology, and law and order have all met and blended together in the City of Dillon’s new police department. The renovation of the new building brings the…
By State Treasurer Curtis Loftis People with a disability and their families know that simply navigating life can come with a high price tag. On average, the cost of living…
By Mayor Tally McCall II have often heard, and firmly believe, that you can measure the strength of a community by how it treats its neighbors when they are in…
Dear Editor, Ostomies are lifesavers and many of our Dillon and surrounding counties are living proof. There are approximately 725,000 to 1-Million people in the United States living with an…
By South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond Charitable solicitations have evolved dramatically over the years. While charitable appeals used to come mostly through phone calls or mail, today you…
To the Editor: So pleased to read recently about two local military Veterans – A Moment in History – Lavalle Parham Came Home. Killed in Action 9/15/1944 over Holland. And…
By State Treasurer Curtis Loftis, Administrator for the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program Imagine the challenge of navigating life without savings or investments. Not long ago, this was a reality for…
By Betsy Finklea Today, August 7th, marks one year since Sheriff Douglas “Humbunny” Pernell died. It was a shocking day for everyone I think. The words of Marion County Sheriff…
DCP3 2024 Ambassador Program June 28, 2024 To The Editor; “High Five!”, “A tip of the hat” to Rodney Berry, his Dillon County Economic Development team and the community stakeholders…
By Mayor Tally McColl As residents of Dillon know, flooding is a costly, recurring expense. It’s also a danger: Severe weather can flood local roads and Interstate 95, cutting off…
My Fellow Citizens Yesterday, I was speaking to someone when they stated that they can’t wait for the long weekend over the Memorial Day Holiday. Of course, my thoughts as…
The question always comes up. When is Dillon County going to get a chain sit-down restaurant? The truth of the matter is probably not too soon unless one comes to…
How many times have you seen it– children flying down the road in a golf cart, clearly under the age of 16, and no adult in sight, or a child…