Dillon County High School Students Invited To Apply For Estelle Ellis Memorial Scholarship
STUDENTS: DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Estelle Ellis Memorial Scholarship for Dillon County High School students
STUDENTS: DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Estelle Ellis Memorial Scholarship for Dillon County High School students
DILLON, S.C. (Feb. 27, 2025) … With tooth decay remaining the leading chronic disease affecting children1 and nearly 20% of South Carolina students in kindergarten through third grade having untreated…
The Latta School District would like to thank Kwame Hennagan for his years of dedicated service and invaluable contributions to the Latta School Board. His commitment to the success and…
The Latta school cafes did a wonderful job spreading love, the best way they know how – through food! The students across the district enjoyed a special, student favorite, Valentine’s…
The Boys To Men and Girls With Purpose Mentoring Group headed by Bobby Porter with Dillon High School teachers and the assistance of others served 301 “A” and “A-B” Dillon…
LATTA SCHOOL BOARD Minutes February 11, 2025 (Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.) The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular…
The South Carolina State Fair, a self-supporting 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is excited to announce the opening of applications for its 28th annual Ride of Your Life Scholarship program. Each year,…
This is the Lake View High School 2024-2025 Quarter Two Honor Roll Principal: Rodney Cook. They are listed by name, grade, and the honor roll that they achieved. Abraham, Conor…
ADELPHI, MD (02/05/2025)– University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) graduated nearly 5,900 students worldwide in the fall 2024 term. The following students in the area earned degrees: -Jerodi Hill of…
Several local students earned President’s and Dean’s List honors at Clemson University for the Fall 2024 semester. When an undergraduate earns a 4.0 grade point average for the semester while…
The Latta Middle School Academic Challenge Team were runners-up in the annual Pee Dee Academic Challenge competition held today at Francis Marion University. Congratulations!
Proclamation National School Counseling Week WHEREAS, school counselors are employed in public and private schools to help students reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, school counselors are actively committed to…
CHARLESTON, SC (02/04/2025)– College of Charleston congratulates over 3,750 students named to the President’s List and the Dean’s List for Winter 2024. The following are local students: -David Anderson of…
The Magnolia Thompson Williams Scholarship is an opportunity to support and recognize deserving graduates from Dillon High School’s Class of 2025. This scholarship will offer two deserving students a $1,000…
The Latta High School Robotics Club will travel to Charleston on Saturday, February 1st to compete in the qualifier match and hopefully progress to the state level competition later this…
CHARLESTON, SC (01/30/2025)– Gold stars were awarded to cadets and students at The Citadel who achieved a 3.7 grade point average or higher in the fall 2024 semester. Cadets and…
CHARLESTON, SC (01/30/2025)– The dean’s list is a recognition given to cadets and students who are registered for 12 or more semester hours and whose grade point average is 3.20…
SUMTER, SC (01/28/2025)– Blake Williamson, of Rowland, was named to the CCTC Fall 2024 President’s List for Part-time Students. Williamson was among more than 320 students named to the Summer…