BWTC Ministries Church Dillon Women of Purpose Breast Cancer Awareness Women’s Fellowship Breakfast

Minister Zipporah Colvin was the guest speaker at the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Women’s Fellowship Brunch on October 12th at the City of Dillon Wellness Center. Colvin talked about the vital role of early detection in saving lives. She encouraged preventative self-breast exams, regular mammograms and ultrasounds, and regular breast and underarm area monitoring. She stressed that time matters.

She said the internet is a powerful tool and can be used for education and leveraging online medical journals for education. She also talked about dimpling, identifying changes in breast size or shape, and understanding medications impact on breast health. She talked about reducing sugar intake to inhibit cancer growth. Colvin said cancer will not be our future. Women need to be empowered to prioritize their health. “Our new beginning starts today, building a future free from cancer.” (Photos by Debbie Blue)