Be A Good Neighbor: Contact 811 Before Digging

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National 8/11 Day – Aug. 11 – is just around the corner, and it is an important annual reminder that contacting South Carolina 811 before every excavation project is part of what it means to be a good neighbor.
Even at this busy time of year, notifying 811 for every digging project, every time helps keep the communities that your organization serves connected to critical utility services.
Whether you have previous experience with a jobsite, you’re only using shovels, or you’re rushing to meet a project deadline, it’s never worth the risk of digging without contacting South Carolina 811 at least three days in advance.
A single dig-in can cut off critical utility services to residents, hospitals, schools and businesses. Instead, avoid significant fines, repair costs and downtime by committing to always contact South Carolina 811 this 8/11 Day.
Watch our short video to hear more. You can find additional damage prevention resources online at and