A MOMENT IN HISTORY: Latta High School Library Named For Norwood Gasque (1976)

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Did you know that the Latta High School Library is named after the late S. Norwood Gasque, Sr., of Latta? Gasque was a trustee on the Latta School Board from 1954-1975 and served as chairman for 17 years. The library was named in his honor on July 1, 1976, his birthday. His portrait is placed in the Latta High School Library and a plaque is on the door (as shown in the photos). Gasque was a local attorney. Gasque also served in the South Carolina Legislature as a member of the House of Representatives from 1974 until 1977 when he was elected as a Family Court judge for the Fourth Judicial Circuit. He was the first statewide judge and the first Family Court judge elected from Dillon County.