Dillon VFW Installs New Officers

On June 13th, State Senator Kent Williams was at the Dillon VFW to administer the VFW Oath of Obligation to its newly elected and appointed officers. Current Post Commander John Harlow passed the VFW Flag to the New Post Commander Chris Norris in a ceremony symbolic of this changing of command. The new officers will assume their new duties effective June 23rd:

· Commander Chris Norris

· Senior Vice Commander Timmy Hooks

· Junior Vice Commander Danielle Smith

· Quartermaster Joey Williams

· Chaplain Robert Sealey

· 1YR Trustee Pam Moore

· 2YR Trustee/Surgeon Tommy Hayes

· 3YR Trustee Anthony Burden

· Adjutant/Judge Advocate Jamie M. Hamilton

· Service Officer Stephanie Maza

The Dillon VFW meets at 7PM on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2042 Hwy 9 East in Dillon – Phone 843.506.8084. Membership information online at www.vfw.org