Local Couple Promotes ‘Poppies For America’

John and Coleen Harlow were at the Dillon Post Office this morning promoting Poppies for the American Legion Auxiliary. Thank you to the many who stopped to donate for Veterans and their families. On Monday at 11AM, our Dillon community will come together on Memorial Day at Veterans Square to REMEMBER the 93 names of local Veterans who have died in wartime from WW-I to Iraq & Afghanistan. Flags will be lowered. Flags will be raised. Prayers will be given. Songs will be sung. Words will be spoken. Names will be read. Bells will be rung. A wreath will be placed. Taps will be played. And family and friends will stop and remember those we knew and loved who are now departed. May they RIP now and always. Never have so many owed so much to so few. God Bless America and God Bless our Forward Deployed Troops.