Dillon VFW Grows

At is 5/9/2024 Post meeting, Dillon VFW Commander John Harlow read a letter from the VFW National Commander Duane Sarmiento congratulating the Dillon VFW on reaching the national membership goal of 102% (plus) for 2023-24. The VFW Commander-in-Chief awarded the Dillon VFW a membership streamer for its VFW flag recognizing this level of growth at the Dillon Post and thanked them for the their work to bring new members to the VFW and meeting the challenge. Pictured L-R are Post membership team members Timmy Hooks, Jamie M. Hamilton, and Chris Norris. Combat Veterans interested in learning more about joining the VFW can scan the QR code or call the Dillon VFW on 843.506.8084.