Dillon Resident Receives Masonic Appointment In Berlin, Germany

Past Potentate (PP) Kenny L. Smith received The Masonic Appointment as The Imperial Deputy of the Oasis of Naples, Italy, Desert Of Western Europe (D.O.W.E.) while attending The Desert of Western Europe Gala Days in Berlin, Germany.
from April 18 thru April 22, 2024. Honorary Past Imperial Potentate HPIP Frank Joshua, Deputy of the Desert, Desert of Western Europe received the approval from The 45th Imperial Potentate of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions Inc.,(A.E.A.O.N.M.S.), Imperial Potentate Honorable Eric R.Myers, which was in attendance for The Gala Days in Berlin Germany. PP Kenny Smith was The Illustrious Potentate for Taharka Temple #207 while in Kuwait from 2009-2010, The Past Commander-In-Chief of Clifford R. Parks Consistory in Kuwait, PP Kenny Smith still wears several appointment titles for The DOWE. He is The Imperial Ambassador-At-Large for
The DOWE, The Imperial Desert Director for Shriners As Mentors (SAMS) which consists of nine temples in The Desert of Western Europe and two temples in The Desert of Iowa. PP Kenny Smith also received the highest degree in masonry in 2011, The 33rd and Last Degree of Masonry, Honorary Grand Inspector’s General Degree. He is a member of Wonder Lodge #459 in Dillon, The Worthy Patron of Bright Star of the Valley, #217 Order of the Eastern Star in Dillon and an Associate Member of Bejilah Temple #163 in Marion, SC. PP Smith’s wife, Sister Annie Smith is also a Past Associate Matron, a Past Worthy Matron, a Past Most Ancient Matron, Past Grand Associate Deputy for District Eight, Order of the Eastern Star and a Daughter of Aswan Court #152 in the Desert of Western Europe, just to name a few of her titles as well. Both are highly versed in masonic affairs. PP Deputy Kenny Smith is also a 20 year retired military veteran. After retiring, Kenny and Annie spent 18 years working in The Middle East in Kuwait. He was a Logistic Analyst and Annie was The Project Manager for the Kuwait Region. They now run The Dillon County Boys and Girls Youth Center here in Dillon along with running A Countywide Food Share Program that distributes Fruits and Vegetables to residents in Dillon County.