Detrice McCollum Dawkins Running For Re-Election For District Three County Council Seat

My name is Detrice “Trice” McCollum Dawkins, and I am running to be reelected for the District 3 County Council seat.
I am a wife and mother of 3. Graduate from Coker College with a B.S degree in Business Management. I have licenses in Surety Bonds as well as a Multiline Adjuster. With a background in business, business management, and entrepreneurship I feel I am more than qualified. My platform is simple, to continue being a visible servant in my community. I will also continue to find resources that will impact my community. I thoroughly enjoy serving. Whether I am volunteering, providing support & solutions at meetings, or feeding my neighbors. My passion is serving and that’s what it always has been.
Since being on council I’d like to believe I’ve accomplished a lot in the past four years. A few of those things being:

• Provided raises and bonuses to county employees (First raise given in 15+ years)

• Advocated and calculated raises for fire departments. Advocated for county employee salary study.

• Had Juneteenth marked as a countywide holiday.

• Curated the contract between both the county and city of Dillon saving recreational programs/sports

• Continue to work with the City of Dillon to address sewer issue to ensure more jobs will come to the county.

• Address lack of housing

• Aided in having $1.5 million donated to refurbish county parks and 2 new parks (Hamer & Floyd Dale)

• Host & volunteer at community clean-up events and other events

• Implemented county-wide Litter Control Task Force

• I used my $573 monthly check that I receive from serving on the council to fund Senior Sunday. Senior Sunday allows me to feed, nurture, and provide companionship to our elders in my community. Completed two successful food drives serving over 467 people.

• Began Bingo to give our community a reason to connect and spend time together under one roof.

I founded Logistics of Hustling, a nonprofit that helps people with a criminal history find jobs. This is a free organization that also link the community with resources and activities.

These are just a few things I’ve accomplished while on council. Though titles do not hold any significance to me I have also been voted the Chairman, marking me as the first black woman to not only be ELECTED but given the Chairman position. Though the title doesn’t hold great significance to me, I’m honored to be able to pave the way for other women in our community to know we now have a seat at the table. Our voices can now be heard.

Being able to use my seat on County Council as District 3’s voice has been a phenomenal experience that I do not take for granted. I understand the power that this seat holds and I aim with the help of my community to continue to make a difference. To continue to represent everyone in not just my district but the county as a whole. Voting for me is voting for someone that shows up at your front door to help. It’s voting for someone who makes every task, ask or need personal. It’s voting for a force who will continue to fight for you. Someone who’s phone number is public and door is always open. A visible servant who has boots on the ground and committed to doing the work.

Again my name is Detrice McCollum Dawkins and I would like to be re-elected for District 3 County Council seat on June 11.

A proven leader for all people.